hen they ask Svetlana Pavlovna about the aim of her work, she always answers with a smile, "It is very simple... It is to kind people for a lovely sight." Yes, it seems to be so simple at first sight... But what labour the master needs to create this beauty, lightness and elegance. How great it is that the power of the man's talent can transform a simple needle to a magic needle and our life to a fairy tale.
S.Sokolovskaya studied a lot. She collected the secrets of the old masters works, sought old books. She is a real master now. She can emdroider a pattern in Chinese Satin-stitch, in Rococo and in many other styles.
Svetlana used materials of a superior quality for her embroidery. In the author's opinion, colouring plays a great role in the embroidery a patern in Satin-stitch. The expressive force of the picture depends on the colour. The pattern of the needlework can be spoilt if the colour of the thread doesn't suit it and vice versa.      
S.Sokolovskaya pays much attention to the decorative embroidery, rococo for instance. This kind of embroidery helps her reproduce different kinds of flowers, roses, chrysanthemums, camomiles, etc.      
The artist combines various kinds of embroidery technique so skilfully that she animates the pictures. The flowers look as if they are alive.
The delicate technique is still a small part of creating the art miniatures. The idea or motif goes first. The whole process of creating the picture takes a long period of time. At first the future work must be thought over thoroughly from the point of view of composition. Then goes the choice of colours. And after that the artist realizes the idea on the material with her technique.      
The choice of an adequate frame for the picture is also of particular importance.      
This is the way of creating a real picture with a needle and thread. It is to kind people for a lovely sight.